Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Video Marketing?

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Video Marketing?

In today’s digital age, video reigns supreme. Businesses are increasingly leveraging video content to engage audiences, promote products, and drive sales. But how do you measure the true impact of your business videos?  Likes and shares, metrics that feed good feelings, don’t tell the whole story. At Aardvark Video we want every project that we produce to give our clients the best ROI and these hints help to get the most return.

Engagement Over Everything

While like and share counts are a positive sign on the surface level, true engagement goes deeper. Here are some key metrics that your business should focus on:

  • Average Watch Time: This metric reveals how long viewers are captivated by your video. A high average watch time indicates viewers find your content valuable and informative.
  • Completion Rate: What percentage of viewers watch your video until the end? A high completion rate suggests your video is engaging and retains viewers’ attention.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Do viewers take action after watching your video? This metric tracks the percentage of viewers who click on a call to action (CTA) within your video, such as visiting a website or subscribing to a channel.

Understanding Your Audience

Optimizing for SEO for your marketing goals goes beyond just video content. Effective videos cater to your target audience’s needs and interests. Businesses need to take into consideration a multitude of factors including:

  • Demographics: Understanding the age, gender, and location of your viewers allows you to tailor future video content to resonate better with your target audience.
  • Traffic Sources: Knowing where viewers are coming from – social media, organic search, or other channels – helps you optimize your video distribution strategy.
  • Retention Rate: How many viewers return to watch more of your videos? A high retention rate signifies audience interest and potential brand loyalty.

Leveraging Analytics for Optimization

Most video platforms offer a plethora of analytics dashboards. Utilizing these tools can give your company valuable insights:

  • Heatmaps: See which parts of your video viewers are most engaged with, and which areas might cause them to drop off.
  • Comments & Reviews: Pay attention to viewer feedback in comments and reviews. This can highlight areas for improvement or suggest content ideas for future videos.
  • A/B Testing: Test different video elements like thumbnails or titles to see what resonates best with your audience and improve overall performance.

Optimizing for Search Engines

Now that we have the tools to understand your marketing techniques, it is about using them in the right way to engage with the right audience for your business. How does one ensure that their videos and hard work are getting to the target audience?

  • Targeted Keywords: Integrate relevant keywords throughout your video title, description, and tags to improve search engine discoverability.
  • Compelling Descriptions: Craft clear and engaging video descriptions that entice viewers to click and watch.
  • Closed Captions & Transcripts: Increase accessibility and SEO value by including closed captions and transcripts for your videos. Search engines can crawl and index this text content.


By focusing on these metrics and optimizing your videos accordingly, you can create business video content that not only engages viewers but also drives SEO success. Remember, video SEO is an ongoing process.  Regularly analyze your video metrics, refine your strategy, and keep creating valuable content that resonates with your target audience!

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